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Noelke Blog

Up North Christmas

December 21st, the day of the Winter Solstice, a group of musicians came together and put on one of the most fantastic shows the gallery has ever seen. This wasn't just any show, this one had a purpose and the turn out was amazing! Ian Matthew came to me and said he was interested in putting on an event for the holidays that geared towards collecting food and toys. It was mid December and the Toys for Tots deadline was about to close. We honestly didn't know much about toy donations and only had two weeks to prepare and promote this show so we figured we would put most of our energy into collecting Food, Clothes, and Money for the Torrington High School and Torrington Soup Kitchen. Ian presented me a flyer and a set list of musicians and we were ready to roll. We promoted on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and endlessly talked to strangers and friends about it. When the day finally came the magic was truly in the air. It was indeed the Winter Solstice and it felt like spring. You could totally say that these musicians brought the Fire. The temperature read 63 degrees Fahrenheit and there was a warm rain in the morning. The Naugatuck River behind the gallery was raging and full of energy as was the show inside. Ian Matthew, Michael White, Evolucien, Kid Karma, Ant 860, Shane M Walker, 7seV3n and the Wolves each stepped foot on our stage and rallied up a stellar crowd which truly made this Solstice one to remember. They filled the room with solid hip hop vibes which resonated with my soul and kept me lifted for days. That night we collected an assortment of food, a plethora of clothing for all ages, and raised $1,000. The night was pure magic. Keep in mind the musicians and gallery did all of this for free and every cent was donated. The December 21st 2018 show is something the newspapers and news channels should have been talking about. These are the types of things people in our county and state need to know. This town is doing great things and we come together and make things happen. Our goal is to make a better future and to continuously fall in love. "The City of Romance" as John likes to say and now I'm finding myself saying it too. Namaste and all the hygge vibes, Thank You Torrington CT!

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